About Box String MSCam\n\nCopyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation.
Check Modules GDICAPstub,Microsoft Camcorder
MSAPPS Mode local
Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs
Suppress Serial Number Dialog
Inf File Name MSCAM.INF
Maximum Object ID 200
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 20 : 2
Batch Mode Root Object ID 20 : 2
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 50 : 2
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us
2 Microsoft Camcorder Microsoft Camcorder AppSearch """%P\MSOffice\MSCam""<%P\Microsoft Office\MSCam>,MSCAM.EXE,,128,,yes,6"
6 SearchReg "CLASSES,MSToolbar\MSOffice"
20 Floppy AppMainDlg 30 Yes %2
30 Yes &Complete Click here to install the Microsoft Camcorder files and setup maintenance program. You can run Setup again to remove Microsoft Camcorder from your system. Group 100 110 115 120 125 130 140 150 160 170 180 mscam_bb.dll,112 Shared Yes